Friday, March 30, 2007

Rovani Trip

Who knew so much went on in such a small building?! I found the tour of Rovani Graphics to be very interesting, and well worth the trip. I had never seen anything printed professionally before, so everything my eyes landed on was new to me.
The machines that have been created to cut, count, and put together paper and binding are absolutely amazing. I don't know if I ever really thought that someone actually had the time to stand around and count the number of pages being printed, but I was still surprised to see that there was a digital counter keeping track!
I was impressed by the quailty of the proofs shown to us as examples. The colors in the wedding pictures were so vibrant! As much as I enjoyed seeing the successfully completed jobs, I learned a lot from the stories of failing projects and what must be done to fix problems. The misprinted pages shown to us were major errors, and I couldn't even imagine how it must have felt to be held responsible for something like that. I have tremendous respect for the company for resolving relations with the people affected and remaining in business with them.

On a much lighter note, the little kid in me had a little too much fun using the revolving door to the darkroom!


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