Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Trip to Slack

Going into this, i had no clue what Slack, inc was all about. After visiting, i was able to know what kind of jobs were available in the publishing industry. I found out what a huge company Slack seemed to be and what kinds of things they publish there. From journals to websites to newspapers, Slack seems very prodimenent in their work. Having 18 associate partners, Slack definitely seemed like a great company to work for. I am a PR major and after finding out what kinds of things this company does, it made me really think about expanding my horizon.
The employees did such a great job explaining everything to us which furthered our education on exactly what "the publishing industry" is. Even when i signed up for this class i was not quite sure what it was going to be about. But after visiting barnes and noble and slack, im definitely gaining more knowledge about publishing. The other thing i was not sure about was that if you want to be in the publishing industry, you need to basically memorize a lot of templates. That seems like something people would know, but i did not. Overall, this field trip was very educational to me and it definitely made me understand a lot more about this class.


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