Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Fun times @ Barnes and Noble =)

Upon entering the Barnes and Noble bookstore, I was not sure what to expect. I had interest in publishing but I was not sure of the exact process of publishing. Since I was a young girl, I have always had intentions to become a successful writer. I can honestly say I thought I had it all figured out. I was wrong. The trip to Barnes and Noble not only gave me a greater knowledge on the subject matter of Publishing, but it also allowed me to realize how perfect this job may ultimately be for me in the future.
When Johnathan Maberry began to talk, I felt as if I was looking into a mirror. Everything he said is exactly how I feel about writing. I am so happy that he was the guest speaker because he presented a lot of valid and important information about the book world. It was truly an inspiration to see how successful he is. I have been writing a novel for about a year now and to have someone talk about the struggles and successes of writing is great. I look forward to attending his workshops at Writers Corner USA because I feel he alone can offer useful information, tools and tips about the writing world.


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