Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Barnes & Noble Reaction

When I first heard that we would be taking a trip to Barnes & Noble, I immediately was excited. Reading has always been one of my favorite hobbies since I was a young child. Due to my intellectual hobby, I have found myself in many Barnes & Nobles throughout the nineteen years of my life. Barnes & Noble to me is apart of who I am thus the excitement regarding our little class trip.

Once at Barnes & Noble, I didn’t know what to expect. I was unsure of what it was exactly that we would be doing at Barnes & Noble and curious as to who was going to be speaking with us. Quickly, I found my answer. Many facts were thrown at our attentive class. I never knew about a lot of the background that occurs before a book is put on a shelf or display in Barnes & Noble, furthermore, I never realized the different job opportunities that a bookstore like Barnes & Noble possesses for interested people.

The discussion at Barnes & Noble quickly taught me a lot about the running of a bookstore along with the inside look at an author’s life and relationship to their agent, editor, and publisher. The overall message that I received from the visit to Barnes & Noble was that writing and creating books is ultimately a business rather than an art form. As Johnathon Maberry stated, it is “the business of art”.


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